Emergency Services Day, Helix Park, Falkirk
Some of our First Responders attended the Emergency Services day at the Helix park in Falkirk on Wednesday 8th April 2015. The First Responder volunteers were joined by staff from The Scottish Ambulance Service, the Special Operations Response Team from The Scottish Ambulance service, as well as colleagues from Police Scotland and Scottish Fire and Rescue Service.
The National First Responder conference, Dunfermline
The National First Responder conference was recently held in Dunfermline. The Forth Valley First Responders were lucky enough that over 10 First Responders attended to hear what is happening with First Responders nationally. A great day was had by all and the Forth Valley First Responders who attended.
Youth Club VIsits
The First Responders are always out visiting local groups and youth clubs to share the good work we do. Here are some pictures of our First Responders, talking to young people about how easy it is to do CPR!